
Taeyeon-I love You | OST Athena Goddness of War

Did it pass by,our love.
Is it just a heart breaking memory 
It's turning around,your heart. 
Can't I catch it with my tears?

My love, I love you I love you. 
Are you listening?
My love, don't forget, don't erase our love. 

Can you see my tears? 
I long for you all day. 
My heart beat when we kissed but now it's a memory. 

My love, I love you I love you. 
Are you listening?
My love, don't forget, don't erase our love. 

Everyday I long for you. 
That's how my day goes by. 
Where are you?

I'm sorry, I'm sorry that I can't forget you. 
My love come back to me. 
Don't leave my side, please. 

Dapur Cekqa | Crab Stick Bread

Salam Sejahtera. 

Ini adalah resepi roti crab stick. Ah! Sedap,sebabnya cheese sana sini. Selamat mencuba! 

Mid-Semester Break | My Collection | Sibling's Reward

Salam Sejahtera. 

See,I told you right? Cekqa gila malam ni,sambil-sambil tunggu orang balik dari site,jomlah kita menggila update entry. Balik hostel nanti,nan hado Cekqa nak update. Sedehh! Kihkih. Lagi-lagi bila dalam bilik,mati semua nafsu, tak ada perasaan and no life. Boleh gitu? *Ku pendam sebuah rasa. Ah! Poyo. 

No motif pun nak update,cuma nak bagitahu,cuti midsem ni seminggu je tapi kemain reward diri sendiri dengan macam-macam. And,apa yang paling best,Cekqa dapat hadiah! My lovely sister,Kak Didah give a ladies box,pink! -__-'. Dengkilah ni beli pink. Tapi tak apa,Cekqa suka je! Terima kasih! Lain kali bagilah lagi. Eh! Over,dahlah sebelum naik sem dah dapat kasut Cindarella+jam Tawaf,ni cuti midsem dapat box pula. Nanti nak belanja pergi Sabah lagi. Ohhh! Sayang gilak sama kamu. Kehkeh. Tapi,sebelum dapat semua ni,haruslah Cekqa bekerja keras dalam pelajaran. Kalau tak,nan hado juga. 

Jujurnya,koleksi lego ni yang paling terpaling Cekqa sayang paling cinta paling adore. Iaitu,Stackers Collection, Batman, Superman, Ninja and last but not least,anak kucing dengan si tupai tu. Batman tu,special from Kak Miya,my sister also! Biasalah,adik dia ni kan kaki paww, asal balik je "Kak,belikanlah Lego,satu pun jadilah". Nah! Hambekk. I like it. By the way, yang Superman tu pun beli dengan Kak Miya and Kak Dila. Thanks my sister's layan kerenah adik kamu ni. And the most I love, Stackers Collection,softball team! Well, I love softball so much! Macam mana berkecimpung dalam dunia softball ni,entry lainlah ek. Hahaha. This minifigures ada 1001 cerita,and I love that person. Ayat tu klise sangat ke tak ek? Hahaha.  

Nahhh! Inilah dia box pink my sister bagi. Tak sabar nak balik to my workspace and deco-deco. Yuhuuuu! Terus jadi ladies. Kihkihkih. Tak apa,Cekqa suka je. Muahahaha! 

So,for this mid-sem break yang seminggu, ini koleksinya. Hahaha! Say hye to pink box,lego box and Transformers Keychain! Nahhh! I love holiday. Hahaha. Well,I think,I reward myself with the great things and great person. Oh! I miss my young brother,Amirul. Oi! Hang ni,aku cuti hang tak balik pun. Aku sentap lah macam ni. Kihkih. Ceritanya,dia baca ke blog Cekqa ni? Hahaha. 

Dapur Cekqa | Maggi Bolognese.

Salam Sejahtera. 

Hye! Lama sungguh tak update malam ni,sekali update,berentry-entry pula. Ah! Pedulilahkan. So,perut tengah lapar ni,so teringat macam-macam. So,Cekqa pun teringatlah,satu resepi yang paling mudah,paling ringkas nak masak. 5 minit masak siap! Kihkih. Biasalah Cekqa,selagi boleh ringkas,boleh cepat,itu yang Cekqa suka tu. Kihkihkih. So,lets scroll pasal Maggi Bolognese, dengan tagline "Siapa kata bolognese untuk spagheti je?". Kemain tagline bagai. Biarlah,Cekqa suka je. Kihkih. Syok sendiri memanglah keeennn. 

Maggi Bolognese by Dhia Cekqa
Serve : 1 person.
Tahap kekenyangan : Maksimum,over-load. 

Selamat mencuba! [^____^]y

Vochelle Dark Chocolate | Cool Mint & Almonds

Vochelle Dark Chocolate | Cool Mint
Vochelle Dark Chocolate | Almonds

Sky | Kampung Baru Rompin,Negeri Sembilan,Malaysia.

Phone :  Samsung Ace S-5830
Camera : 360 Camera with Magic Sky effect. 

Finn/Rachel | That's how much I love you

We're not getting married.
You don't want to marry me?

 I want to marry you so badly I can't go through with it. The thought of you being stuck here for another year because of me, that makes me sick.
Then come with me! Okay? We can get married in New York and live in a little shoe box apartment together. It'll be romantic!

Do you love me?
Of course I do.

Then tell me the truth and not just something you think I want to hear. Are you 100% sure you want to marry me?
No one is 100% sure of anything.

 I am. I am that sure you're something special. That this is just the beginning for you. That you're going to do amazing things. But to get there, you gotta have these experiences on your own.
Wait a minute

Listen to me, you gotta have these experiences on your own. I can't have to be there with you.
Wait a minute! Are you breaking up with me?

I'm setting you free.

Do you know how hard this is for me? How many times I've cried about this?
No! I'm not going. I'm not going, not without you.
You don't have a choice. I can't come with you.
Well then I'll stay here or I'll go wherever it is that you're going!

It's one of the places I knew you couldn't follow me. Look, you're gonna get on that train. Okay? And you're gonna go to New York. And you're gonna be a star. Without me. That's how much I love you. You know what we're gonna do? Surrender. I know how hard that is for you because of how hard you hold on to stuff but we're just gonna sit here and we're just gonna let go. And let the universe do its thing and if we're meant to be together, then we're gonna be together. Whether it's in a little shoe box apartment in New York or on the other side of the world. Okay? Will you do that with me? Will you surrender?
I love you so much
I love you.

Dia #1

Entahlah;Yang aku tahu,aku rindu. Yang aku tahu,tangisku sendu. Dan yang aku tahu,kau aku mahu. Walau sedetik,walau seketika. 

Entahlah,dah bertahun aku cuba untuk redha, dah bertahun aku anggap seperti tiada apa. Dan,hari ini sekali lagi aku lemah. Aku kalah dengan rasa aku. Aku rindu.

Empat tahun,hampir.

Bertahun aku boleh tahan, bertahun aku sabar, hari ini aku jatuh mengalah. Jujurnya,aku rindu.

"Boleh saya kawan dengan dia? Kalau awak tak suka saya tak kawan". 
Tersentak,terpana. Itu sahaja reaksi aku ketika itu. Susah benar mahu melupakan,susah. Entah kenapa.

Bertabahlah kerana Allah,tabahlah.